When is caregiving a vocation and not a job or profession

Caregiving is often thought of as a job or profession, but for many, it is much more than that. Caregiving can be a vocation, a calling, something that one feels deeply compelled to do. Those who view a life as a PSW as a vocation see it as a way to make a difference in the lives of others, to serve a higher purpose, and to find fulfillment in giving of themselves. For them, caregiving is not just a way to earn a paycheck, but a way of life.

For those who feel called to becoming a PSW as a vocation, it is a deeply personal and meaningful choice. They see their work as a way to honor the dignity of others, to offer compassion and kindness, and to be present for those who need support. They often have a strong sense of empathy and the ability to connect with others on a deep level. They view their work as a way to make a positive impact in the world, and to live out their values in a tangible way.

In many ways, caregiving as a vocation is a form of service. It is a way to put the needs of others before one’s own, to offer care and support to those who are vulnerable or in need. Those who view caregiving as a vocation often find great joy and fulfillment in their work, even in the midst of challenges and difficulties. They are driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to make a difference, and they see their work as a way to contribute to the greater good.

If you feel caregiving is a vocation for you, get more information here.

Emigrate to Canada as a Home Child Care Provider or Home Support Worker

There’s good news for home child care providers and home support workers looking to emigrate to Canada as permanent residents.

The Canadian Government has launched the Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot, 5-year pilot programs that let qualified caregivers and their family members come to Canada with the goal of becoming permanent residents.

If you’ve been offered a job in Canada as a caregiver or have experience working in Canada as a caregiver, you may be able to apply for permanent residence through one of these pilots.

The application process will be different depending on your situation and how much qualifying work experience you have.

As of June 18, 2019, you may be able to apply for permanent residence through the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or Home Support Worker Pilot if you:

  • meet the eligibility requirements, and
  • have a job offer to work in one of these occupations

Through these pilots, you’ll get an open work permit to come to Canada and work temporarily.

This work permit:

  • is occupation-restricted (so you have to work in that specific occupation)
  • doesn’t need a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)
  • lets you get the work experience you need to be eligible for permanent residence

If you recently worked as a home child care provider or support worker, your experience may count towards your eligibility for permanent residence.

For more information, please visit https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/caregivers/child-care-home-support-worker.html.

More field hours, so many different avenues in certified personal support worker program

I recommend the CPSW program at CCS ACADEMY to anyone who is looking to get into healthcare. There are so many different avenues available in which to choose that the possibilities and opportunities are endless. Although this is an at home study course, you can email, call, or Skype, and you never get the feeling that you are left alone to figure things out.

I am a former student of CCS ACADEMY that has completed the CPSW program. This course was exactly what I was looking for as it’s an at home online study course, where you can study at your own pace. This was especially beneficial to me because I am a single mother of a toddler, so I worked on the course when she was asleep.

I decided to go with the CPSW course because the Caregiver part gives me more options in whichever path I choose, whether it be working with children, adults, or the elderly. CCS Care wants you to succeed and this shows in one of the modules. They want you to be able to own your own business as this will give you options after you are finished the course.

This course also had Anatomy and Physiology where the other PSW courses do not. I like to have this extra knowledge because it allows you to understand the human body more intricately. This course also has more field hours than other programs which allows you to get more comfortable within your placements. There are lots of research assignments within the course which are great because they allow you to have a broader view on different topics.

Although this is an at home study course, the instructor makes it very easy to contact her if you have any questions. You can email, call, or Skype, and you never get the feeling that you are left alone to figure things out because she is always checking in to make sure everything is going well.

I recommend the CPSW program at CCS ACADEMY to anyone who is looking to get into healthcare. There are so many different avenues available in which to choose that the possibilities and opportunities are endless.


Healthcare worker succeeds in new position in her workplace with help from certified personal support worker program

Being a mother of two small children, taking this course gave me the opportunity to still be involved with family, work a full-time job in health care, and study for my CPSW in between. My overall experience taking the CPSW was amazing and I would recommend this program to everyone who is looking to be a part of the health care team.

I believe taking the CPSW course gave me opportunities to excel, not only within my studies, but within my workplace as well. Being in the comfort of my own home let me take my time to read over the materials given, as well as challenge myself if I didn’t know something right away. I would read it over or do more research until I understood. I feel this was very helpful as everyone learns in their own way. If I needed extra help I did have the option of contacting CCS, and there was always help and explanations in a way that was so calming, it made you want to study harder and more.

Being a mother of two small children, taking this course gave me the opportunity to still be involved with family, work a full-time job in health care, and study for my CPSW in between. Family is very important to me, so having the option to be around them, and not sitting in a classroom, was something I enjoyed about the program. It also helped show my oldest daughter that you can achieve anything you put your mind too. One of my favorite things was reading the text books to her. She didn’t understand it all as she is only five, but she now knows some names of the muscular system, and can name some bones. There is no greater joy than being able teach your children something while you are still learning yourself.

Within my work place this course gave me the confidence to do my job well and to the fullest extent. Having the anatomy and physiology part in the CPSW course made it easier in my job to understand the clients and their needs. I found I wanted to challenge myself and learn as much as I could. I took on the role as a UCP (unregulated care provider) in my work place and passed the training with a 93% average. I feel this wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t have the anatomy and physiology.
The CPSW course is in great depth and offers more than the PSW course, as that one doesn’t have the anatomy and physiology part. This part in the course was the hardest but most rewarding as it teaches you about our bodies. As a health care provider, and in life in general I feel this is very important information to know.

My overall experience taking the CPSW was amazing and I would recommend this program to everyone who is looking to be a part of the health care team.