CCS is a privately owned Workplace Academy established in 1989 to provide vocational training programs to students around the world.
CCS CARE ACADEMY offers all care-related training specific to Professional Childcare Worker and Certified Caregiver/Personal Support Worker. And post-training programs allow PSWs to specialize in specific types of care. With more than 600 programs available, the Academy can customize training to individual needs.
CCS has developed a Professional Childcare Worker Program for In-Home Care Providers; a Front Line Health Care Worker program; and Certification in Care Provision through the National Association of Certified Caregivers/Personal Support Workers (NACC/PSW).
The NACC/PSW allows all membership to continue to upgrade, train, and retrain in the workforce at half the price of other courses. If you have been a PSW and wish to take Post Courses in Counselling to work with children or adults, you might consider additional courses that will help to take you in a new career direction within the CARE industry.
To provide online education and workplace training to meet the needs of a healthy workplace and community. Our goal is to customize training to meet individual needs for employment, general interest, and well being. We empower students to self-manage their careers and select training appropriate for their needs and vocations.
To provide affordable education and training without walls and barriers. To improve opportunities for employment through guided education and self-management.
We provide support and encouragement towards self-improvement and fulfillment of cultural, creative, and recreational goals.
CCS offers front line services for seniors along with community capacity building regarding elder abuse, social isolation, and Elder Care Solutions (including housing, care providers, and volunteer programs.)
CCS offers programs for all ages to encourage self-improvement and cultural development.
CCS CARE ACADEMY and CCS ACADEMY is a US faith-based company offering online education and workplace training around the world, including the US and Canada.
Explore ONLINE home studies DIPLOMA programs that are accessible, affordable, and flexible, allowing people to fit their education into their own schedule. Online diploma programs also teach skills that benefit both your personal and professional life, including knowledge of complex subjects, the ability to communicate with diverse people, and the ability to apply training in various careers. The Certified Caregiver/PSW is offered online in many countries as well as Canada for Front Line Health Care Workers.